Tips on how to optimise stock control and prepare for an audit
Preparing for a stock auditor to visit your site
Ensure your bar & storage areas are kept clean & tidy
A stock auditor shouldn’t be required to tidy the bar before they count. Untidy bars and storage areas increase the time it takes to complete the count. This of course increases our time on-site, which may result in additional charges. It of course also increases the risk of counting errors, which could result in an inaccurate stocktake.
It’s always better for stock to be organised prior to being counted. Fridges full, stocktakers love straight lines! Case products tidy and in one location if possible, empties separated from full.
Always ensure your stock auditor is made aware of all storage areas. Make sure they’re unlocked and nothing is hidden.
Remember places like:
Be prepared to spend time with your stock auditor
This is a team effort, 1000’s of items purchased, £1000’s taken, all doesn’t happen without a few queries and questions from your stocktaker. You will need to spend time with them at various times during the audit.
Once a result is reached, in our opinion it’s then that the Stocktaker is most valuable. It’s time to discuss their findings.

Logonn – Our online stock management system
In addition to traditional stocktaking services, our internet-based stock management system ‘Logonn’ provides a valuable and efficient tool to conduct in-house stock auditing, with 24/7 access and support by stocktaking experts. Operating from any internet-connected PC, LOGONN allows interim stock results, line checks and historical reporting at a time suitable to the end user, all for a fraction of the costs of other comparable systems.
Discover more about Logonn and download a free trial at: https://www.logonn.co.uk
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